A Couple Things I’ve Learned From 50 Days Of Sobriety

50 Days ago I decided to go sober. I decided that I deserved better for myself than the way I was living. I decided to elevate myself from the situations I’d often find myself in, purely from continuing to live in a way that facilitated toxic habits. I was attached to low energy, consumed by... Continue Reading →

3 Mindset Shifts For Lasting Sobriety 

Sobriety is hard, man. There’s no two ways about it. There’s a reason literally nobody does it. Whether it’s that niggling voice in the back of your mind that tells you a couple of beers is normal and fine, or the other (often louder) voice that tells you moderating to the weekends is ‘A-Okay,’ there’s... Continue Reading →

Soap Suds & Schizophrenia

So this week’s discoveries include a semi-conscious devil living inside me that constantly whispers temptations into my ear, and the Kung Fu Panda movies are, no shit, the absolute height of cinema 🐼 You’re probably wondering who I am, so here’s the abridged version to get you up to speed. Today I hit 25 days... Continue Reading →

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